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Virtual Realist
Reged: 07/17/05
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List of racist/homophobic/sexist comments made by the BB15 Cast (w/ time)
06/30/13 11:52 AM

This is a growing list. Some of the flashback times may be off a bit.

•Re: Candice: Be careful what you say in the dark, you might not be able to see the bitch (6/30 ~7:45pm)
•I want to put a washcloth over her face and pour water over it (6/30 7:42pm C1/2)
•Aaryn was complaining about the Asian women who do her nails and imitated their Asian accent. Helen was right outside too.
•Said she was so drunk she made Asian eyes (6/30 ~5:20PM)
•About Helen: Dude, shut up, go make some rice (6/30 1:14AM)
•Andy will get MVP because people love the queers (6/29 11:40PM)
•No one's going to vote for whoever that QUEER puts up re: Andy
•Quick to correct Candice's pronunciation of "ask" (as opposed to axe) but is fine with GM saying it as axe
•Bragged about making Asian eyes in the DR

•Says the C word at 6/29 4:35-4:36am Cam 3 and again 6/29 4:41am Cam 3
•Candice laid her head on Spencer's shoulder and he said "Sure you're not gonna get my shirt greasy?"
•Praised the Nazi doctors
•Called Helen Kim Jong Un
•calls Andy Kermit the fag to his face (6/29 ~4:40pm)
•Called women the c-word
•Says “Bitch, get your ass cooking” (6/30 ~1:57pm)

•Candice is on the dark side because she already is dark (6/30 ~7:45pm)
•Calls welfare "nig***" insurance (6/30 1:16PM Cam 1/2)
•Said blacks stick together and that they're "tokens" in the house (6/30 ~4:18AM)
•Candice's "blackness" is showing now that she's not on the block (6/30 ~4:20AM)
•They should make Helen's eyes "straight"
•Said something about weaves being ghetto and then looked at Candice (6/29)
•Helen should kiss their asses and serve them rice (June 29, 2:42pm Cam3)
•Told Nick in the lounge that the way Candice talks is fake because she talks too white (6/29)
•Said that Candice had that black thing going. intimating that she was getting ghetto (1st night of feeds)
•Mocked Candice's voice in a stereotypical fashion

•Said “nigga” but not in a reference to black people but more like “dude” (6/27 3:28AM C3)
•says Candice came at her acting aggressive and she was thinking Candice's black side was coming out (6/27 ~5:47AM)
•Said "Gays are untrustworthy in a game like this"

•Re: Kaitlyn’s vagina: wants to see what he’s working with, called it her meat wallet
•Re: Elissa, said he'd cut a bitch

•Calls herself the fag hag queen (6/29 ~5:30PM)

•said his sheets are dirty because "black Candice" was on them (6/30 3:05pm C1)

The goal of BB is to get 5 jury votes. There are no bitter jurors, only bitter 2nd place finishers.

Edited (06/30/13 07:54 PM)

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* List of racist/homophobic/sexist comments made by the BB15 Cast (w/ time)
06/30/13 11:52 AM
xx * Amanda was far worse than what you have posted, maybe this will help.......
06/16/14 07:43 AM
xx * I wish this had been kept up to date... but would it be too long, then? NT
08/09/13 10:37 PM
xx * Jessie says Amanda must have a lot of money because she's Jewish.
07/07/13 10:35 PM
xx * Kaitlin @ 3:02 BBT July 4:"I'm going to kick Candice's black ass".
07/04/13 08:33 AM
xx * Jeremy just said that McCrae got "jewed" (7/3 8:26 cam 3) NT
07/03/13 09:00 PM
xx * we should no longer call aaryn her name she really wants 2 b an aryn nazi ideal girl
07/03/13 09:24 AM
xx * No thanks - sounds like middle school. NT
07/03/13 09:26 AM
xx * Spencer about Howard: " Look at him with that bag. I bet he has all of our stuff in it. All of our name badges." NT
07/02/13 08:45 AM
xx * the real problem is with gm & aaryn NT
07/01/13 02:23 PM
xx * Don't forget!
07/01/13 01:23 PM
xx * June 1, Cam 1 2:10 am Spencer called Aaryn a c*nt NT
07/01/13 02:23 AM
xx * It's okay when it's true. NT
07/01/13 03:28 AM
xx * Who cares!!! NT
07/01/13 12:11 AM
xx * Not me. But it was a nice recap. NT
07/01/13 05:44 AM
xx * Um... apparently everyone that has posted here.....................Got a problem with that? NT
07/01/13 02:24 AM
xx * you should include all of their use of the *R* word. NT
06/30/13 09:45 PM
xx * So bad. Producers better get control NT
06/30/13 09:44 PM
xx * They are feeding off of each others hatred and are making alliances obvious thru mics picking up their prejudices. NT
06/30/13 09:15 PM
xx * About 8:05 Aaryn on Candice: "Be careful in the dark. You might not be able to see the bitch" NT
06/30/13 09:01 PM
xx * Disgusting stuff. And nice to see the show actually showing some of them being jerks. NT
06/30/13 09:00 PM
xx * Re: List of racist/homophobic/sexist comments made by the BB15 Cast (w/ time)
06/30/13 08:47 PM
xx * I only like McCrae, Helen, Howard & Candice right now. The rest of the cast ::smh:: NT
06/30/13 07:47 PM
xx * Some girl Not sure who maybe kaitlin,Jessie, or Amanda (She had dark hair) Also said "Il Cut the bitch" This a Really Vulgar & Immature group !!! NT
06/30/13 06:15 PM
xx * This group is repulsive, I can count on 1 hand how many I like in this house. And Right now its Howard and Helen, MAYBE Candice.... NT
06/30/13 05:58 PM
xx * I am so disappointed in Spencer. I liked him in the beginning but I can no longer say I'm on TeamSpencer. NT
06/30/13 05:24 PM
xx * Does this really need the 99,783rd top thread? NT
06/30/13 05:21 PM
xx * It's almost like we are watching reality TV or something! Too many people try too hard to get upset. We get this behavior every year. NT
06/30/13 04:54 PM
xx * Arryn also commented, following the "queer" comment listed above, that "noone's going to vote for whoever that QUEER puts up." Absolutely disgusting.
06/30/13 04:38 PM
xx * David just said his sheets are dirty because "black Candice" was on them, and he and Arryn were laughing about it. @ 16:05 cam 1
06/30/13 04:16 PM
xx * Spencer says the C word at 6/29 4:35-4:36am Cam 3 and again 6/29 4:41am Cam 3 NT
06/30/13 03:18 PM
xx * Another missing one: aaryn re: nails
06/30/13 03:02 PM
xx * And that boys and girls is why I so loved BBCanada! NT
06/30/13 02:41 PM
xx * Didn't Candice make a comment about gay people on the show too? NT
06/30/13 01:49 PM
xx * I recall Spencer saying something about Helen being in her 'natural position' or something NT
06/30/13 12:49 PM
xx * None of them were as homophobic as Jeff. NT
06/30/13 12:47 PM
xx * No One as Bad as Jeff
07/04/13 09:02 PM
xx * They are all 1 million times worse than Jeff. NT
06/30/13 09:47 PM
xx * Correct me if I'm wrong... I'm sure someone will. Didn't Jeff just make the one ignorant comment. How is that worse? NT
06/30/13 12:52 PM
xx * Yes. Not even in the same league as the idiots this season. NT
07/02/13 08:51 AM
xx * Jeff used "f*g" & "f*ggot" on multiple occasions. NT
06/30/13 02:42 PM
xx * Exactly! S11 He called Kevin a mf'n f*** because Kevin put him on the block. NT
07/02/13 08:49 AM
xx * I disagree. I think they're about on par. But I'm afraid that we're gonna see way worse before this season is over :/ NT
06/30/13 12:49 PM
xx * I don't really see anything wrong with what Amanda said. I've had tons of gay friends in my life and not one has seemed to have a problem w/ that term
06/30/13 12:38 PM
xx * GM seems even worse then Aaryn but is taken less heat. WTF? Go figure. NT
06/30/13 12:15 PM
xx * Kim Jong Un? Spencer is a pig... NT
06/30/13 12:11 PM
xx * GM: "They're tokens" Kaitlin: "They're black Barbie and Ken." Aaryn: "Yeah, except they're not." NT
06/30/13 12:11 PM
xx * Is there a way to make it so anyone can edit/update the original post? NT
06/30/13 12:06 PM
xx * only admins can edit other people's posts NT
06/30/13 12:15 PM
xx * Ok, cuz I don't see myself updating this all season. Ppl will just have to copy/paste it to a new post NT
06/30/13 12:18 PM
xx * it might be easier to keep up with if you post it in the InDepth forum NT
06/30/13 02:46 PM
xx * I hear so much about Aaryn but it looks like GM is even worse. NT
06/30/13 12:06 PM
xx * OK I went back and added all the other statements you guys noted NT
06/30/13 12:06 PM
xx * Kaitlin also said "Gays are untrustworthy in a game like this" NT
06/30/13 12:04 PM
xx * GM also mocked Candice's voice in a stereotypical fashion NT
06/30/13 12:02 PM
xx * Aaryn bragged about making asian eyes in the DR NT
06/30/13 11:59 AM
xx * And during hatgate, Aaryn corrected Candice's pronunciation of the word asked. NT
06/30/13 11:58 AM
xx * But not once has she ever corrected GinaMarie who mispronounces that work every time. NT
06/30/13 12:49 PM
xx * and she never corrects GM who says axe as well NT
06/30/13 11:59 AM
xx * How is that racist? NT
06/30/13 11:59 AM
xx * ED was far worst than these hgs.
06/30/13 09:40 PM
xx * It's more condescending than racist, but it's still a pretty shitty thing to do. NT
06/30/13 12:43 PM
xx * Hmmm... I'm trying to think of a good way to explain it. It's in the way Aaryn said it, tone of voice, body language. Axe is a common pronunciation
06/30/13 12:11 PM
xx * I have heard some say black people can't speak and always say axe. However, she never corrected GM for saying it. NT
06/30/13 12:00 PM
xx * Yes, its a stereotype. But she's not wrong in her correction NT
06/30/13 12:02 PM
xx * The point is that she did it during a fight to be a bitch. She never corrects GM who says axe constantly NT
06/30/13 12:03 PM
xx * And it wasn't even a fight. That's part of why it was so rude. Candice was being very courteous. Aaryn was completely out of line in her response. NT
06/30/13 12:42 PM
xx * I agree with you, but its not right to stretch it to be something racist just because we want to jump to conclusions NT
06/30/13 12:04 PM
xx * There was no stretching. Truly, watching Aaryn talk about other HGs over the span of a couple hours last night made it pretty clear she's racist NT
06/30/13 12:44 PM
xx * From what I've heard, she's racist, however this was more condescending with subtle racial/class undertones (re: telling her what's "proper"). NT
06/30/13 12:51 PM
xx * Yes... I agree... ... NT
06/30/13 02:44 PM
xx * Just curious? Did you watch the full video of Aaryn and GM last night? Context is everything. If so, then fine. NT
06/30/13 12:05 PM
xx * for the record, I didn't really find that to be a big deal compared to other comments, but it does speak to what type of person Aaryn is NT
06/30/13 12:04 PM
xx * Wow, that's repulsive!! NT
06/30/13 11:57 AM
xx * missing one from gm where she said that candice had that black thing going. intimating that she was getting gheto. 1st night of feed. NT
06/30/13 11:57 AM
xx * Jeremy said he would cut a bitch in regards to Elissa. NT
06/30/13 11:56 AM
xx * GM also told Nick in the lounge yesterday that the way Candice talks is fake because she talks too white. NT
06/30/13 11:56 AM
xx * That is spot on. Also add GM saying that Helen should kiss their asses and serve them rice (June 29, 2:42pm Cam3) NT
06/30/13 11:55 AM
xx * Please, Please sticky this!!!! NT
06/30/13 11:54 AM
xx * This is really good, you should keep this list up. NT
06/30/13 11:54 AM
xx * Did spencer really say that about Helen??? NT
06/30/13 11:53 AM
xx * Apparently it was just a joke, so that makes it somewhat ok. :( NT
06/30/13 12:03 PM
xx * Other people said he did so I added it. I didn't hear it myself. NT
06/30/13 11:58 AM

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