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Sat 6:16 PM PTMakensy says she found ants again. NT - silverspoons
Sat 5:47 PM PTAll 3 now playing cards. Chelsie says she wants to go to bed early tonight. NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:39 PM PTMakensy counting. Chelsie got in the storage room trash can. NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:38 PM PTCam found a pack of Leah's skittles when looking for Makensy and is eating them NT - silverspoons
Sat 5:36 PM PTMakensy was laying in spiders when she was hiding NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:35 PM PTCam found Makensy: Hey buddy! NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:34 PM PTChelsie to herself, I should have got in the trash can. NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:34 PM PTCam found Chelsie: That's one! NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:33 PM PTCam counting. Makensy by the living room chairs, Chelsie in the storage room NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:32 PM PTMakensy says let's play one more and I want to see you hide stupidly. NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:32 PM PTChelsie found Cam in the gym: I see your butt! and I know she's upstairs. NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:30 PM PTChelsie seeking, counting super fast NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:28 PM PTCam counted to 30 and then: Chelsie I already see you and Makensy you're laying in the bed. NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:25 PM PTMakensy found Chelsie NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:23 PM PTMakensy found Cam: Cam get up! NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:22 PM PTMakensy counting. Cam hid by the living room sofas. Chelsie hid by the upstairs living room sofas NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:19 PM PTChelsie seeking. Makensy hiding by the fishtank NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:17 PM PTCam found Chelsie, then found Makensy. Makensy points at the camera and says you almost gave me away. NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:14 PM PTMakensy is hiding behind the staircase plant. Chelsie ran in the bathroom. Cam is seeking NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:13 PM PTMakensy says 90 second speech? Chelsie says the questions are first then the speech, the speech is like your final plea. NT - silverspoons
Sat 5:13 PM PTCam asks to play Hide and Go Seek NT - PeachMacaroon
Sat 5:09 PM PTMakensy says Cam doesn't have to get ready tommorrow. Chelsie says and compete. Chelsie says it will go faster for her and Makensy. NT - silverspoons
Sat 4:59 PM PTChelsie says Leah's Captain underpants was hilarious but it didn't make the show. Chelsie says Cedric Tucker Kimo Quinn put on bits in the house but only 20% probably made it. Makensy says do you think Kimo & Leah's bits made it? Chelsie says no. NT - silverspoons
Sat 4:55 PM PTCam Chelsie and Makensy dicussing how each room theme was used in comps except maybe the power ranger/open bedroom were used. NT - silverspoons
Sat 4:54 PM PTChelsie Makensy and Cam talking about AFP. Chelsie says Angela could be up there. Makensy says don't put that into the world. Chelsie says retracting my words. NT - silverspoons
Sat 3:54 PM PTFeeds turn to animals. NT - ReaRea
Sat 3:24 PM PT3:22 PM Makensy, Chelsie, & Cam packing. NT - Scott3325
Sat 3:17 PM PTMakensy is packing her bag in the open bedroom on Kenney's old bed. She is rolling her clothes and then placing them into her suitcase. - silverspoons
Sat 3:01 PM PTCam at the dining table shuffling his cards and yawning. - silverspoons
Sat 2:59 PM PTChelsie studying by the fish tank, the the q-tip board, going over AI comps and who played in them. NT - silverspoons
Sat 1:15 PM PT1:09 PM Chelsie and her Q-Tip board with the Fish keeping watch. NT - Scott3325
Sat 12:45 PM PT12:41 PM Cameras have switched. Camera 1 & 2 now shows a vacant Open BR, Camera 3 shows Chelsie packing, & Camera 4 shows Makensy & Cam napping. NT - Scott3325
Sat 12:32 PM PT12:30 PM Camera 1: Makensy & Cam napping. Camera 2: Chelsie packing. Camera 3 & 4: An empty Open BR. NT - Scott3325
Sat 12:10 PM PT12:04 PM Chelsie has retrieved her suitcase after telling BB that she didn't have it and continues her packing. Makensy napping nearby in Chelsie's bed. Cam joins and climbs into his bed for a nap. NT - Scott3325
Sat 11:59 AM PT11:46 AM Makensy napping, Chelsie packing. NT - Scott3325
Sat 11:51 AM PT11:50 AM Chelsie in SR says she doesn't have her suitcase. (Ed.: Looking for it so she can pack.) NT - Scott3325
Sat 11:43 AM PT11:37 AM Fish! 11:42 AM Feeds return to the HGs around the dining table. Chelsie & Makensy playing cards. NT - Scott3325
Sat 11:36 AM PT11:35 AM Feeds return to Cam waiting at DR door, he finally gives up & returns to the Dining table with the other two HGs. NT - Scott3325
Sat 6:50 AM PT6:47 AM Sleepy HGs then Fish! 6:50 AM Feeds return to sleepy HGs. NT - Scott3325
Fri 11:39 PM PTMakensy is called to the DR feeds cut NT - silverspoons
Fri 11:03 PM PTMakensy is still in bed in unicorn room with lights still on. She irritatedly says "I'm tired." NT - maxreality
Fri 11:00 PM PTChelsie walks over one bed to get into bed next to Cam's in rock room, making a lot of noise. Cam wakes up and says "Why are you getting into bed so aggressive?" NT - maxreality
Fri 10:58 PM PTMakensy says good night to Chelsie and then asks BB to please turn off the lights, please NT - silverspoons
Fri 10:57 PM PTMakensy yells to Chelsie, that was quick, lucky butt. NT - silverspoons
Fri 10:54 PM PTMakensy in bed and says you guys are really not going to turn the lights out NT - silverspoons
Fri 10:49 PM PTCamera zooms in on Makensy in bed and she says HI. NT - silverspoons
Fri 10:48 PM PTMakensy goes back into the unicorn room and takes her socks off and gets into bed. NT - silverspoons
Fri 10:47 PM PTMakensy comes out. Chelsie says I didn't want to get comfortable if I get called. Chelsie says Cam went to bed. Chelsie gets called to DR and says I hope it is quick, that Makensy was in there long. NT - silverspoons
Fri 10:32 PM PTChelsie is sleeping on the living room couch. - silverspoons
Fri 9:26 PM PTCam says Angela described his ideal women and Cam says he liked what she said. She hit the nail on the head. Chelsie says what did Angela say. feeds cut NT - silverspoons

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