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This is a response to: There's no coming back. Nick was a fool to not be aware of what was going on. Too naive NT
JU KeepinItReal
Reged: 08/07/07
Posts: 20670
Loc: oregon
holy crap, juliette..., i hope what i just saw, really didn't happen... NT
05/09/15 05:37 PM

bb addict

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* There's no coming back. Nick was a fool to not be aware of what was going on. Too naive NT
05/09/15 12:07 PM
xx * Was Friday's episode- on the 8th the season finale???? NT
05/12/15 01:57 PM
xx * At first I thought it was, but no, this Friday (15th) is the season finale. NT
05/12/15 02:12 PM
xx * Finale ended weird...just ended in the middle of stuff (as expected), but no "To Be Continued..." message this time. NT
M3gabyt3 Administrator
05/15/15 07:41 PM
xx * Lots of stuff going on in that one.
05/15/15 08:18 PM
xx * Nick is going to be a revenge seeking Grimm next season. First Juliette is turned, now his Mom is assassinated. Nothing gonna hold this Grimm back.
05/10/15 07:41 AM
xx * It turned WAY uglier than I ever thought it would. On one hand I gotta give the writers credit for taking such a bold direction with a main
05/10/15 08:45 AM
xx * That's been my problem with this storyline. I could understand her having problems adjusting to becoming a hexenbeast, but not the outright hate she
05/11/15 03:56 AM
xx * Ditto. Being apart of luring his mother back to town is a bridge too far. Now, if she had lost a child with Nick I could understand more completely
05/10/15 01:53 PM
xx * That's the ending for her I envisioned too - that she starts regretting her choices and dies trying help save Nick when the royals try to kill him.
05/10/15 03:15 PM
xx * Agreed. No way I could ever accept her back as the original Juliette.
05/10/15 12:30 PM
xx * holy crap, juliette..., i hope what i just saw, really didn't happen... NT
05/09/15 05:37 PM

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